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104th Battalion

  • Corporate body
  • 1888-1917

The 104th Battalion, CEF, was an infantry battalion of the Great War Canadian Expeditionary Force. The 104th Battalion was authorized on 22 December 1915 and embarked for Britain on 28 June 1916, where, on 18 July 1916, its personnel were absorbed by the 17th Reserve Battalion, CEF and the 32nd Battalion, CEF, to provide reinforcements for the Canadian Corps in the field. The battalion disbanded on 27 July 1918.[1] The 104th Battalion recruited throughout New Brunswick and was mobilized at Sussex.[2] The 104th Battalion was commanded by Lt.-Col. G.W. Fowler from 28 June 1916 to 22 January 1917 and by Lt.-Col. A.E. Mings from 22 January 1917 to 2 March 1918.[3] The 104th Battalion was awarded the battle honour THE GREAT WAR 1916-18.[4] The 104th Battalion, CEF is perpetuated by The Royal New Brunswick Regiment.

5th Armoured Regiment

  • Corporate body
  • 1940-1947

The Second World War was the first time the Hussars left Canadian shores as a Regiment. In July 1940, the Regiment was mobilized to form the 4th Canadian Motorcycle Regiment. In February 1941, the Canadian Army converted the Hussars to armour and became the 5th Armoured Regiment. The Regiment sailed for England at the end of August, 1941 and was stationed in England until November, 1943 when it sailed for Africa. The Regiment later sailed to Italy and landed in Naples in December. The Regiment fought through Italy, winning battle honours until February, 1944 when it sailed to France to begin the journey to the campaigns in Belgium and Holland. It was in Italy that the first Princess Louise, the original Regimental mascot

6 Canadian Mounted Rifles

  • Corporate body
  • 1914-1919

During the period of WWI, the 8th Hussars did not muster as a regiment for service overseas. For controversial reasons, many militia cavalry units were not called for service in 1914. However in 1915, some members of the Regiment, formed a squadron with eight officers and three troops, as part of a Maritime Provinces cavalry unit known as the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Their new regiment mustered at Amherst, NS, in March, 1915, to prepare for service overseas. The 6th CMR was disbanded in 1916, after three months at the front. Many members of the Regiment joined other units early on in the war tired of waiting for the call to muster the 8th Hussars. The 104th Battalion, for instance, become home to many former cavalry soldiers.

8th Hussars Museum

  • Person
  • 2004-present

The vision of a Museum for the 8th Canadian Hussars originated in 1981. A little over two decades later, members of the Association created the Museum Committee to oversee the Museum and, in conjunction with the Centennial of the Town of Sussex, the 8th Hussars Military Museum was opened n 2004. It is located in the Historic Sussex Train Station. The Museum focuses on the history of the 8th Hussars within the wider Canadian Military Context. Our collection encompasses artefacts from the American Rebellion of 1776-1783, the Boer War (1899-1902), the First World War, the Second World War, Peacekeeping, the Cold War, and Afghanistan.

8th Princess Louise NB Hussars

  • Corporate body
  • 1848 - present

The 8th Princess Louise (NB) Hussars or 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) can trace its roots to 4 April 1848, when the New Brunswick Regiment of Yoemanry Calvary was formed. A more tenuous link exists, however, to 1775, when Lieutenant-Colonel John Saunders formed "Saunders Horse" to fight American rebels during the American Revolutionary War. This troop was probably disbanded in New Brunswick about 1783, the year that thousands of Loyalists or Americans who supported the British side during the revolution sailed for Nova Scotia. Many settled in the St. John River and Kennebecasis River valleys and elsewhere. In 1825, from among these disbanded troops, calvary units were formed, one being attached to each local infantry battalion. By 1848, 11 of these units joined together to form the New Brunswick Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. Over subsequent years the troops were reorganized several times.

In 1884, Govenor General John Campbell's wife, Princess Louise, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, honoured the Regiment with her name, and it became the 8th Princess Louise's New Brunswick Regiment of Cavalry. The name changed, in 1892, to 8th Prince Louise's New Brunswick Hussars. During the World War I, the Hussars did not serve officially overseas. Instead, a Hussars squardron was supplied to the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles and many individual members of the regiment joined other Canadian units serving overseas.

During World War II, the Hussars served overseas as a formed unit, being stationed first in England, then North Africa, and finally in Italy. In 1940, the Hussars were formed into the 4th Canadian Motorcycle Regiment. The regiment moved from France to Belgium in 1945, and lastly to Holland where, at Delfziji, approximately 3,000 Axis troops surrendered to them.

Returning to Canada, the 8th Princess Louise's New Brunswick Hussars reverted to reserve status. In the early 1950s, the regiment contributed men to "Y" troop, the special force that Canada sent to Korea, in 1951, to serve as part of NATO's brigade in Germany. In 1957, formation of the Regular Regiment bought a change in name, the regular regiment being designated the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise) and the Militia Regiment taking the same title with the word "militia" being added. The following year, the regiment's Reconnaissance Squadron left Canada to serve with the UN Expeditionary Force in Suez where it remained for a year. The regular regiment is now stationed at Camp Petawawa. Ontario. The militia remains in New Brunswick.

After WWII, the 8th Princess Louise's reverted to a reserve regiment. In 1950, a number of personnel were provided to the Special Force which proceeded to Korea in May 1951. Early in 1957, when it was decided that a new regular armoured regiment should be formed, the honour was bestowed upon the 8th Princess Louise's NB Hussars as a result of their outstanding previous history. In 1958, part of the Regiment left Canada to serve with the United Nations Emergency Force in the Gaza Strip where it remained for a year. In 1959 the Hussars sailed to Germany for a three year tour of duty with the 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade. In 1963, when they returned from Germany, the Regiment took up residence in CFB Petawawa, and the Militia (Reserve) Regiment stayed at its home station in Moncton, New Brunswick. In 1964 the Hussars left the tanks and converted to a reconnaissance regiment.

8th Princess Louise (NB) Hussars

  • Corporate body
  • 1848 -

The 8th Princess Louise (NB) Hussars or 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) can trace its roots to 4 April 1848, when the New Brunswick Regiment of Yoemanry Calvary was formed. A more tenuous link exists, however, to 1775, when Lieutenant-Colonel John Saunders formed "Saunders Horse" to fight American rebels during the American Revolutionary War. This troop was probably disbanded in New Brunswick about 1783, the year that thousands of Loyalists or Americans who supported the British side during the revolution sailed for Nova Scotia. Many settled in the St. John River and Kennebecasis River valleys and elsewhere. In 1825, from among these disbanded troops, calvary units were formed, one being attached to each local infantry battalion. By 1848, 11 of these units joined together to form the New Brunswick Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. Over subsequent years the troops were reorganized several times.

In 1884, Govenor General John Campbell's wife, Princess Louise, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, honoured the Regiment with her name, and it became the 8th Princess Louise's New Brunswick Regiment of Cavalry. The name changed, in 1892, to 8th Prince Louise's New Brunswick Hussars. During the World War I, the Hussars did not serve officially overseas. Instead, a Hussars squardron was supplied to the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles and many individual members of the regiment joined other Canadian units serving overseas.

During World War II, the Hussars served overseas as a formed unit, being stationed first in England, then North Africa, and finally in Italy. In 1940, the Hussars were formed into the 4th Canadian Motorcycle Regiment. The regiment moved from France to Belgium in 1945, and lastly to Holland where, at Delfziji, approximately 3,000 Axis troops surrendered to them.

Returning to Canada, the 8th Princess Louise's New Brunswick Hussars reverted to reserve status. In the early 1950s, the regiment contributed men to "Y" troop, the special force that Canada sent to Korea, in 1951, to serve as part of NATO's brigade in Germany. In 1957, formation of the Regular Regiment bought a change in name, the regular regiment being designated the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise) and the Militia Regiment taking the same title with the word "militia" being added. The following year, the regiment's Reconnaissance Squadron left Canada to serve with the UN Expeditionary Force in Suez where it remained for a year. The regular regiment is now stationed at Camp Petawawa. Ontario. The militia remains in New Brunswick.

After WWII, the 8th Princess Louise's reverted to a reserve regiment. In 1950, a number of personnel were provided to the Special Force which proceeded to Korea in May 1951. Early in 1957, when it was decided that a new regular armoured regiment should be formed, the honour was bestowed upon the 8th Princess Louise's NB Hussars as a result of their outstanding previous history. In 1958, part of the Regiment left Canada to serve with the United Nations Emergency Force in the Gaza Strip where it remained for a year. In 1959 the Hussars sailed to Germany for a three year tour of duty with the 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade. In 1963, when they returned from Germany, the Regiment took up residence in CFB Petawawa, and the Militia (Reserve) Regiment stayed at its home station in Moncton, New Brunswick. In 1964 the Hussars left the tanks and converted to a reconnaissance regiment.

8th Regiment of Cavalry

  • Corporate body
  • 1848-1914

The 8th Canadian Hussars was formed on April 4th, 1848 as the New Brunswick Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry, from eleven independent troops of Cavalry. The first of these was raised in 1825 from descendants of the Loyalists who settled the St. John and Kennebecasis river valleys.

A & R Loggie Company

  • Corporate body
  • Created in the late 1870s, incorporated in 1881

A & R Loggie Company was unofficially created by brothers Andrew and Robert Loggie in the late 1870s. Andrew was born on 14 July 1848, and Robert was born in 1853, to Alexander Loggie and Georgina Grey Jardine. They became entrepreneurs by marketing new fishing techniques and getting involved in the shipping business. A & R Loggie Company was incorporated in 1881 in Black Brook, NB, with Andrew serving as president and Robert as vice-president. Their younger brother Francis (Frank) Peabody Loggie became a partner and secretary-treasurer after finishing business college.

A & R Loggie Company began as a small enterprise and quickly expanded. The Loggies were fish packers, exporters, and general merchants. By 1890 A & R Loggie Company was among the largest packers and shippers of fish in Atlantic Canada. They conducted business all over northeastern New Brunswick, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Maine and Vermont. Their main exports were various kinds of fish, meat products, fruits, and vegetables. Wild blueberries made up their largest export. A & R Loggie Company owned a large number of freezers, ice houses, mills, ships, canneries, and general stores to accommodate its growing business. The company’s headquarters was in Black Brook (renamed Loggieville in 1895 in their honour), but expanded its operation to include ice houses and freezers in Nova Scotia and Quebec, and canneries in Quebec, Vermont and Maine. The branch established at Mulgrave, NS, became the largest fish handling section of the company.

At the start of their operation, the Loggie brothers were shipping 2000 tons of fish and frozen salmon annually to Europe. They were awarded medals and diplomas for their canned goods at fairs and exhibitions in Toronto (1886), Quebec (1894), and Montreal (1895). In the early 1910s the A & R Loggie Company reorganized and became the A & R Loggie Company Limited, with capital of $1,000,000. The operation continued to grow despite multiple fires destroying their buildings and assets. By the time of the last brother’s death (Andrew, 23 July 1928; Frank, 15 September 1939; and Robert, 17 January 1940) the Loggies had amassed a fortune of $2,000,000.

After 1940 Homer J. Loggie took over the company as general manager. On 4 August 1944, fire destroyed the two mills at Loggieville, a large wharf, warehouses, box shook sheds, and piles of lumber. Damage was estimated to be $250,000 and marked the demise of A & R Loggie Company in Loggieville. Homer J. Loggie announced on 21 September 1945, that Ashley A. Colter and Roland G. Laughlin, both of Fredericton, had purchased the entire A & R Loggie Company Ltd; the rumoured price of sale was $750,000. They sold various branches of the company. The remainder was eventually taken over by Jack B. Estey. The general store in Loggieville was converted into apartments, and the fish processing plant and freezer were eventually sold to the W.S. Loggie Company Ltd. of Chatham, also exporters and general merchandisers. In 1953, the Company became the first Canadian firm to prepare pre-cooked fish (fish sticks) for the domestic market. A & R Loggie Company was later acquired in 1959 by Eagle Fisheries, a subsidiary of National Sea Products Ltd.

Sources: Fraser, James A. Loggieville: Child of Miramichi. (Fredericton, 1973): 33 – 46; Fraser, James A. and Carlyle W.W. Stymiest. A History of Loggieville. (Chatham: Miramichi Press Ltd, 1964): 68 – 78; Hamilton, W.D. Dictionary of Miramichi Biography (Saint John: W.D. Hamilton, 1997) “Loggie, Andrew”: 215 – 216.

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